How Can I Decide If I Need a Root Canal?

wisdom teeth removal Parker

A root canal is a dental procedure that has the purpose of cleaning the decay in an infected tooth pulp and root. This is a must-have dental procedure if you want to prevent tooth loss. Left untreated, a decaying tooth will eventually have to be extracted and you will have to choose one of the available tooth replacement options.

However, many patients put off a root canal procedure because they believe that it is very painful. In reality, only 17% of patients who had this procedure described it as “the most painful experience in their lives” according to a study conducted by a group of dental specialists.

How Does the Inside of Teeth Get Infected?

Contrary to outside appearances, the interior of a tooth is not a solid mass. The protective outer layer of enamel covers a porous substance called dentine. In its turn, the dentine surrounds a soft tissue called the pulp.

This pulp contains nerves and blood vessels. If bacteria penetrate the tooth enamel, they can go as deep as the pulp and create an infection. The dentist will remove all affected tissue and keep the tooth alive and functioning.

How Is a Root Canal Performed?

The dental specialist will use a miniature tool resembling the device used to clean clogged pipes. The device will effectively removed damaged tissues inside the tooth. Afterwards, the dentist will use an antibiotic to kill all remaining bacteria.

Finally, the empty space will be filled in and the entry point sealed off. Since this procedure involves penetrating the enamel, a tooth with a root canal will be more fragile and exposed to future infections than a healthy tooth. To prevent such problems, the dentist will probably recommend you to have a crown applied.

How to Tell If You Need a Root Canal

Wisdom teeth removal Parker surgeons corroborate that tooth decay and infection give a lot of warning signs. Interestingly enough, experts found out that symptoms differ depending on the type of bacteria that got inside the tooth.

However, most patients state they experienced one or several of the following symptoms:

  1. Sensitivity to Heat and Cold

If you suddenly develop sensitivity to hot and cold foods/drinks, most probably you need a root canal to resolve the infection. When enamel is compromised by bacteria, the sensitive dentine layer inside gets into contact with foods and drinks. This is what causes the sharp pain you feel when you enjoy an ice cream or a cup of hot tea.

  1. Pain When You Eat or Touch Your Tooth

Any kind of pressure on the tooth elicits a grunt of pain. This kind of pain will not go away. Painkillers only numb it for a period of time, but the problem – the decay – is still inside your tooth. You should go see your dentist as soon as possible.

  1. You Have Swollen Gums

Bacteria inside your tooth can spread to the gums and to the bone tissue in your bone. If you notice that you gums are swollen, reddened and/or painful, you may have a decaying tooth.

  1. The Tooth Is Discolored

With proper oral hygiene, your teeth should stay white for a lifetime. If one of them appears discolored, it is not because you do not brush it carefully enough. It is more likely that it is the outer sign of an infection inside the tooth.

  1. The Tooth Feels Loose

Can you move your tooth inside the jawbone? This is not a good sign. It means that the tooth is afflicted and may fall off or spread the infection to other teeth. A root canal will solve the issue and save your tooth.